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The most frustrating part about being an author...

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 2:30 pm
by Willowhugger
This is just a fun thread for talking about one of my own personal pet peeves. I'm a writer, I can't say for a living since I only started getting published this year, and I specialize in cyberpunk themed science fiction (gee what a surprise with the board I'm on...hehehe).

To me, the most frustrating part about being an author always ends up being the wait for feedback. I wouldn't mind failing as an author if it turns out no one considered me any good for what I wrote but there's always the itch in the back of your mind what if no one is reading?

I've been told this isn't the case by my publisher and I know its a ridiculous worry but it nevertheless is something that keeps coming up. I ironically end up solving it by doing more writing in the series.

On the plus side, I have no regrets even if no one does read it since it gave me an excuse to purchase the entire first season of SAC and the two GITS movies as "research material."

Re: The most frustrating part about being an author...

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 3:53 pm
by Jeni Nielsen
Willowhugger wrote:This is just a fun thread for talking about one of my own personal pet peeves. I'm a writer, I can't say for a living since I only started getting published this year, and I specialize in cyberpunk themed science fiction (gee what a surprise with the board I'm on...hehehe).

To me, the most frustrating part about being an author always ends up being the wait for feedback. I wouldn't mind failing as an author if it turns out no one considered me any good for what I wrote but there's always the itch in the back of your mind what if no one is reading?

I've been told this isn't the case by my publisher and I know its a ridiculous worry but it nevertheless is something that keeps coming up. I ironically end up solving it by doing more writing in the series.

On the plus side, I have no regrets even if no one does read it since it gave me an excuse to purchase the entire first season of SAC and the two GITS movies as "research material."
hmm... this kind of reminds me of your other topic. Are you trying to promote discussion? I just wonder if this kind of post isn't best served by something like a livejournal?

That said, if you'd like to post a short piece here for us to give you feedback, then I'm sure some of us, me included, would be glad to help. And you have a publisher, so you must have something going for you eh? :)

Re: The most frustrating part about being an author...

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 4:32 pm
by Willowhugger
Jeni Nielsen wrote:I've been told this isn't the case by my publisher and I know its a ridiculous worry but it nevertheless is something that keeps coming up. I ironically end up solving it by doing more writing in the series.

On the plus side, I have no regrets even if no one does read it since it gave me an excuse to purchase the entire first season of SAC and the two GITS movies as "research material."
hmm... this kind of reminds me of your other topic. Are you trying to promote discussion? I just wonder if this kind of post isn't best served by something like a livejournal?

That said, if you'd like to post a short piece here for us to give you feedback, then I'm sure some of us, me included, would be glad to help. And you have a publisher, so you must have something going for you eh? :)[/quote]

What a peculiar response. On most forums I assume some form of answer would come like "Yes, I imagine that would be hard" or "Are you kidding? I'd just glad I'd be published." However, I'm certainly willing to share any of my thoughts on the writing process as well as the actual universe of course too if anyone is so curious.

It's actually interesting to note my publishers are trying to branch into Sci-Fi and have an open call to authors to write into the universe itself. I've seen plenty of the indepth and fascinating analyses on this board and think plenty of good stories or writings on the topic of Sci fi could come here....

But I welcome your offer of critiquing. I certainly would happily be willing to share the first chapter or for those willing to do a more in-depth analysis, my publishers have actually given me permission to give out the e-books (they're funny about promotion that way). Like fansubs, they think its better for promotion than preventing fans from access to the material on the vain hope they'll buy it before they know if they like it.

If I had to share the best part of being an author, its surprisingly all the fun things you learn about the publishing industry. As a Sci-Fan fan I've learned about most company's policies towards fanfic, importation, and plenty more fascinating subjects.

If there's anything in regards to the above you'd be interested in (or the other folks on this site) I'm happy to discuss it.


Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 5:02 pm
by Jeni Nielsen
Ok look, I understand where you're coming from, and that this is my own personal opinion, but I think that forums are places where people can discuss openly and freely any topic relating to things they are interested in.

I feel on the opposing hand, that livejournals and such are places where people can talk about their own day, or how bad or good it is to be a writer, write their own reviews, and people can choose to respond or not with comments like "I'm sorry its so hard for you" or "good job" etc.
This is in fact what I use my own livejournal for.

This is why I felt your topic was kind of inapropriate for a fourm environment. Granted lines get blurred, and things are not always black and white. I feel like your topic would have been fine if there were an addtional line saying 'hey is anyone else here a writer?' or even just an "I'm wondering what you guys think"

That's all.

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 5:11 pm
by Willowhugger
Righto. I'll remake said topic for the forum and stuff that others would be interested in.

Personally, I've never used Live Journals because I always view Discussion Forums as covering their content but can see the situation is more clearly demarked here.

Thanks for the advice and best wishes.

Feel free to close said Topic.

*bows head in apologies*

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 5:54 pm
by Jeni Nielsen
Willowhugger wrote:Righto. I'll remake said topic for the forum and stuff that others would be interested in.

Personally, I've never used Live Journals because I always view Discussion Forums as covering their content but can see the situation is more clearly demarked here.

Thanks for the advice and best wishes.

Feel free to close said Topic.

*bows head in apologies*
Don't worry about it. I'll lock this, but again, feel free to post stuff for review or discussion.