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X-Play and AotS ... gone

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 1:08 pm
by Jeff Georgeson
Wow. That means almost every TV show I used to like is gone. And there really isn't any geek-friendly TV left (well, certainly no channels with any extensive coverage of games or tech-related stuff). I gather this is all part of G4's change to Esquire (great, just what we need ... more Spike TV).

I used to watch these shows when they were on the long-gone TechTV (and AotS was The Screen Savers, and much, much better). The transfer to G4 didn't thrill me, but at least these shows still catered to people like myself. But, despite the success of shows like Big Bang Theory, apparently there isn't any market for video game or tech-related channels.

This is at least the third channel I've watched regularly that's been disappeared in the last ten years. Apparently I don't exist as any sort of demographic at all. Apparently there is no one like me who watches these channels.

Apparently, the networks are making this a self-fulfilling prophecy, for I find fewer and fewer reasons to even watch TV. And many reasons not to.

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 7:57 am
No offence Jeff but I actually think it makes sense: most geeks (I include myself :P ) don`t watch TV anymore; they spend their time on YouTube now, so if only "traditional" TV viewers are left, then only "traditional" TV shows are aired.

I'm over simplifying this of course, but I do think it is a real trend.

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 10:08 am
by Jeff Georgeson
No offense taken! Most TV I watch is just in the background as I do other things (typically computer things), or is of the "On Demand" variety for random films or TV series I've missed (currently watching Heroes). I have only the most basic of cable, and mostly because it comes with my Internet.

What does annoy me is that, if I want to watch anything interesting, I have to pay $$$ just to watch any of the sports I like (because most of them aren't on "network" TV anymore) or Asian films and TV shows (although most of these I can't watch at all, because those are some of the networks that have been disappeared).

But mostly my lament for X-Play is nostalgia, a song of a bygone age.

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 9:01 pm
by Freitag
I'm still trying to get my anime fix on the big screen. I don't actually like watching things on my computer (even though I just bought a 27" monitor*). I just found out that there is a Crunchyroll app on my TiVo - although it does not support login, at least I can watch my anime in the TV room again.

*Astounding discovery. I have a laptop and I was using an external monitor that was slightly lower in resolution than the built in. I got pretty good frames per second in Guild Wars 1 & 2. Then I replaced my monitor with one that was larger - same size as my internal laptop display. My frame rate went from around 60 to over 150 in Guild Wars 1 (with all graphics settings at the highest possible)! Something about native resolutions perhaps?. GW2 has many more things going on graphically, but I'm around 48FPS with good (not great or best) graphics settings.