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Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 11:04 pm
by Motoko2030
Thanks for the posting the track name of that song, I enjoyed listening to that song during the episode.

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 1:02 am
by Tonks_kittygoth
douyang wrote
I can understand being over emotional at times since it's his character, but this is ridiculous and contrived, especially since the rookie never even got any character development, giving us no reason to believe Batou (or the audience) should care about him that much.
I think that while B is upset about his rookie friend, (he does the training so he could have had a closer relationship w/ him than one may think) he is probably more upset by a few other things.

A. He has been frustrated with this whole situation for along time. He complained about it early when Ghoda first started to mess with them. B doesnt strike me as someone who takes helplessness and frusttration well. Plus things just keep spining out of control. Now people are starting to die. I am no soldier, but im fairly sure loss of stability in your enviroment is a very bad thing to feel, especially when people start dying. He may be letting off some of this frustration on Kuze.

B. I think he mainly is upset because of Kuze's effect on the Major. He was shocked and angry at her for her (debated) screw up causeing the rookies death. I dont think its easy for him to see the Major as something less than perfect. (as above, bad mojo in combat situations)

C. When he gives the Major the crackers, and says "you have to eat something" (she does? ) he says something like "you remind me of a schoolgirl pining after her first love" (misquote I know, but close to the meaning) She sighs and dreamily goes on about how great Kuze is. (how he is like Ghandi or MLK) After they talk he walks into the cockpit and the camera lingers on him as he grimices, to show his feelings.

D. Batou was responsible for the trainies, he most likey feels guilty for Yano's death.

My take on his anger at Kuze is ..
Batou is most likely very jealous of Kuze, angry at him for disturbing the Major's equibrium, feels trapped in the whole situation, guilty for not traing his charge well enough to live through the fire fight, as well as mourning for their short friendship. :gabu:

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 1:40 am
by douyang
On that note, do cyborgs NEED to eat like organic humans do? In Fake Food we saw batou talk about how even though he was a cyborg, his mind still craved the taste of food, implying it is a mere psychological need.

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 2:28 am
by Tonks_kittygoth
Yeh, maybe its a bad translation?
She does eat, as if she agrees...

But then again, how does this worlds cyborgs get power? Plug in? Batery? Or food powerplants? Photosynthasis?? Very small hamsters running on very small wheels?


Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 3:34 am
by Lightice
Tonks_kittygoth wrote: But then again, how does this worlds cyborgs get power? Plug in? Batery? Or food powerplants? Photosynthasis?? Very small hamsters running on very small wheels?

We've speculated on this before. I find it most likely, that they have chemical powerplants utilizing the energy gained from the cyborg food. The psychological factor in that stuff is most likely the form - they look like sandwitches, when they could be just pills or paste.