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We're all salamanders now

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 10:38 am
by Jeff Georgeson
Just saw this article at ... index.html

Not that growing body parts is a new idea or anything; I remember studies of cloning organs going on a few years ago.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 1:53 pm
by Elmo_Redux
I really think this one is overhyped tbh. Unlike the soldier they're talking about treating with it now, the first injured guy(the brother of the man trying to sell this pig-powder by the way) only lost a tiny slice off the end of his fingertip which would have healed anyway. Growing new limbs sounds reasonable enough to me, but I'm sure it'd take more than just rubbing a little pile of extracellular matrix goo on a stump to do it.