Production IG - Ghost Hound

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Production IG - Ghost Hound

Post by Luke »

So this isn't a new series but considering the most recent thread is Akira I figure I'd take a risk and post about it anyway.

I'm pretty sure I came across this before but the name put me off instantly, probably assuming it was some sort of ghost detective dog or something.

I ended up watching it after I saw the trailer on a yourtube recommend video for pyschological anime. I'm only about 7/8 episodes in but so far I'm really enjoying it.

The main character is a high school student who went through a traumatic experience as a toddler of which his family never truly recovered. The series then goes into the realm of outer body experiences and crossing over into an unseen world below the surface of our own. What I really like about this one is the pacing, every epsiode something happens, you're always drip fed information so nothing feels like filler but at the same time there's still lots of things that are unexplained. Its got the weirdness of Lain and Texnolyze but without the frustration of not really knowing what's going for the mojority of the show.

Although there is one main central character the series spends also alot of time spent fleshing out the characters around him which makes the world and story all the more engaging.

It's also quite dark and brooding in places and being 2007 & Prod IG the animation is great. If anyoen else has seen this let me know what you think, if you haven't it's well worth checking out!
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Post by Freitag »

It was on Adult Swim a while back and I recorded it but only got around to watching it last summer.

It has a pretty peculiar mix of story telling. There are those out of body experiences that you mentioned and a straight up kids-as-detectives story line. and it goes on from there. I won't give you any spoilers, but want you to post again when you're done.
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Post by Luke »

Okay, I'm up to episode 12, where the outer body stuff has started getting even more bizarre. Were you satisfied with how the series ends or not so much? I'll let you know when I've finished!
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Post by Freitag »

It wrapped up quite satisfyingly for me and not in a way that I expected.
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Post by Luke »

Finished last night, still not entirely sure how I feel about it...

I'd still definitely reccommend but after the first third it seemed to slow down a bit. There was also quite a few threads which you were never sure on how or if they were connected until the end.

I would have liked to have seen them do more with the other realms I think plus the spirit that kept appearing and throwing himself in front of the truck.

Overall I think its a great series and like I said before there isn't any filler, each epsiode builds to the next. The end is a little rushed and a little anti climactic but most things get answered.
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