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Has Anyone Tryed Microsoft Vista

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 11:24 am
by Epiphany
I know this is not a computer site. I was just wondering if anyone has tryed Vista yet. If so how well does it work? I've heard it's more stable that XP.

Sorry if this is a bad place to post this

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 4:26 am
by Elmo_Redux
I've tried it and it's incapatible with everything I have lol. Also it's having some serious problems with my radeon and likes to shut itself off randomly :?

I prefered windows 2000 tbh :P everything from XP onwards is just too eager to help me do things that I don't want to do and too effective at stopping me from doing what i do want to do.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 9:05 pm
I've been using Vista at home for almost a year and I'm not really unhappy with it. I thought it would be a lot worse actually :lol:

I managed to get around most of the software incompatibility issues (a lot of people don't even know that the DEP exists) and all my hardware is compatible, so it does help.

However, I still use XP at work and I have to admit that I don't really see the difference (not only in usage but even in Graphical Interface).

Has anyone installed the SP1 yet?

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 12:48 am
by Saito
I've used it briefly on a couple of systems, both new and very powerful (one was a Mac Pro 2.0GHz 4-core with 2 GB RAM, the other a Dell Inspiron Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz 17" notebook with 2GB RAM) and the biggest beef with it is how sluggish it feels compared to XP. Not only that but on both the games performance is significantly inferior. Vista wasn't as good when it came out but I think the combination of people not being used to it and some bugs that MS have worked out via Windows Update (although not all - hence SP1) set people off on the wrong foot.

There are other niggles with it that I don't like, most are personal preference or just stuff that isn't quite as straightforwards as it could be. I do use Mac OS X as my home system but I'm far from being a Mac nerd (in fact I detest the very ground most 'Mac Users' (i.e. fanboys) walk on) and I find a lot of things easier to do there than in Vista, especially with settings and user interface conventions, but at the end of the day it's all swings and roundabouts. I use XP all day happily at work though, and it seems as good and faster than Vista so I see no point in upgrading, but that might change with Vista SP1.

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 1:58 am
by -Ghost-
I tried it at a friend. but I didn´t like it. but from what I´ve heard there will be a new windows in some years.