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Cyberpunk webcomic: Fabricari

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 8:20 am
by Gillsing
Have a look at this:

Much like the banner says it features violent cyborgs, and at least one nefarious mechanic, or 'fabricari' as they seem to be called. He's the one who builds and repairs the violent cyborgs and sexy robots. Though as far as I'm concerned, most of the robots aren't that sexy. Don't believe that shiny, metal ass! It's a trick to lure us male cyberpunk-lovers into reading his webcomic! :o (Ok, her name is Mona, and she's really there.)

The art is gritty and spartan, and as such it fits the world and the theme. And now that the artist got himself a writer, the story seems to be shaping up nicely. And look, he made a Motoko Kusanagi! :D

Now, if only we could be allowed more than 255 characters in our signatures I could add a little Fabricari banner to the two banners I already have. Because surely there is no better use for signatures than ads for the GitS-related things that we like? :?