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What happened to the Appleseed series and the second movie?

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 5:38 am
by Lightice
I remember that there were news about an Appleseed series coming out in Japan in late 2006, but I've heard nothing of the sort coming out. The same news also talked about a second Appleseed movie coming out in early 2007, but I've seen no trailer, nor even any relatively fresh news about it.
Does anybody here have any knowledge of these projects - were they completely abandoned or just delayed?

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 7:03 am
by sonic
Bah, no good for such a thing to occur! Well, I can't complain as I still haven't watched the latest Appleseed anime... There's just always something else I want, and I don't get round to buying it. :roll: