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2nd GIG Episode 24

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 11:58 pm
by douyang
This one was pretty cool, they ratcheted up the action this time and everything is starting to fall into place.

Though I wonder what the real reasons the American empire has for nuking Dejima, and how the acceleration of the security treaty would benefit them. Something tells me they wouldn't do something this extreme just for money.

So both Batou and the other section 9 members as well as the special ops team hunting them have thermoptic camo. How can they hope to find eachother, and how can one group best the other?

I wonder if the major can take Kuze by herself, and if she has some kind of plan in store or is just running with whatever situation she finds herself in. I expected her and the rest of section to use more powerful armor piercing munitions in order to take down Kuze, given how little effect their standard armament seems to affect him. The normal guns certainly did Batou a lot of good.