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Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:44 pm
by contact
In 2nd Gig episode 3 "Cash-EYE", when the major is breaking into the office at the start (hacking the door lock), how come she can crouch horizontally on the wall a-la spiderman??

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 8:45 pm
by Motoko2030
The only idea that I can think of about her sticking to the wall to hack the door is that her suit must be able to stick to the wall, like certain parts of her suit have a more futuristic version of the suction cups.

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 12:44 am
by Lightice
Very strong static electricity, possibly? Or maybe the animators just taught it'd look cool...

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 6:10 am
by contact
****!! !!!! 2nd GIG SPOILER ALERT !!!! !!****

A more serious question then about 2nd GIG episode 11 where we see mokoto as a child. When she reaches the top of the stairs she disappears? She seems to slip into her own world, but at the same time vanishes from the view of others in our world?? And then suddenly reappears back in a crowded street..

Could it be the work (i.e. hacking) of the laughing man from the sidelines having somehow come across the info that she and kuze knew each other and some evidence was in that memorabelia store?

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 1:49 am
by Lightice
contact wrote: Could it be the work (i.e. hacking) of the laughing man from the sidelines having somehow come across the info that she and kuze knew each other and some evidence was in that memorabelia store?

I doubt that the Laughing Man would have interfered in any way, during the 2nd Gig. He was always very consistent with his style and we saw none of it during that episode. In any case, since he was on talking terms with Major at the end of the first season, there was no reason why he couldn't have informed her personally, either really in person or through some ghosthacked passbyer. In any case, he has no motivation to interfere with the matters of the state, after the Laughing Man case was resolved.

What really happened in that episode is a mystery with almost supernatural quality. Somehow Motoko's own memories and their connections to the bodies in the shop compelled her to go there - it certainly wasn't a normal ghosthack and after her visit in the store, she showed no interest in trying to find out the responsible party, as if she was certain that there wasn't one, in the first place.

Her dissapearance and reappearance are just as mysterious. When Batou follows her the next day, she once again dissapears at the very same spot, but with no hacking, this time. And then there is the matter of the yellow ball - it falls down the stairs into her hand when she first time goes that route and it clearly is the same ball she plays with, as a child. As I said, that is bordering the limits of a natural occurrence, even one caused by brain-manipulation.

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 11:16 am
by Motoko2030
I agree with Lightice that Laughing Man wouldn't have hacked Motoko, and it was her own memories and the connection to her previous body or the boy's body that made her come to the memory store. As for her not contacting Batou due to a connection error, I think it was her own brain and the connection to the store blocked her outside connections.

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 10:38 am
by Black Mamba
(Awsome topic)

~~Jumping in.

Question! In the 2nd gig why did the Individual Eleven attempt to assassinated the Prime Minister when she was about take action with the Asain refugees? Actions that I do beilve they originaly wanted. Or is Goda just using the Refugee thing to gain the masses' faith?

I'm just a bit confused..... Surprised?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 12:58 pm
by Lightice
Black Mamba wrote: Question! In the 2nd gig why did the Individual Eleven attempt to assassinated the Prime Minister when she was about take action with the Asain refugees? Actions that I do beilve they originaly wanted. Or is Goda just using the Refugee thing to gain the masses' faith?

I'm just a bit confused..... Surprised?

The original Individual Eleven weren't apparently influenced by Gouda, so he isn't to blame, here. As I understand, they were dissapointed, that Kayabuki didn't seem to be inclined to fulfill her promise about the change in refugee policy - actually the goverment had been preparing for it, but in secret, so the masses wouldn't see any difference - in any case, the change wouldn't have been as drastic as they would have wanted. Kuze attempted to assassinate her as a punishment for straying from her ideals and betraying her promise.

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 9:24 pm
by Motoko2030
What were everyone's opnions that saw the Affection episode?

I personally enjoyed it, seeing how Section 9 tests the people that want to work for Section 9, I loved it when Motoko was drawn to the memory store to discover a piece of her past when she was about six or seven years old trying to persuade a boy to get a prosthetic body after she had recieved her first one by trying to fold paper into a crane but failed at it, only to be successful at it when she finished hearing the story.

Now we know why Motoko needed a prosthetic body, at the beginning of the first season of SAC, I found on the official website that she needed her brain be transplanted into a prosthetic body because of a medical condition, now I finally know the reason for her prosthetic body.

The next episode on Sunday at 12:30am is SELECON
While hot on the trail of the Individual 11 terrorist group, IR cameras pick up the image of the cyborg who attempted to assassinate Prime Minister Kayabuki. While Boma, Ishikawa and Togusa stay behind to hack into Individual 11 files, the rest of Section 9 attempts to apprehend the cyborg.

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 4:55 pm
by contact
Ok another one, any clues on who the guy who boobytrapped serrano's car at the end of the first gig is? (or even what he did to the car? was it a bomb?).

He bears resemblance to the guy who shot Nanao-A in episode 6.

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 9:34 am
by Míxtil
The Offival log volume one all but says he's the guy who says 'mesure the trajectory' in episode 4.