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Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 12:46 pm
by AlphonseVanWorden
I know, Lightice. Just mentioning where the creators of Traffic got the idea... :)

And actually, the DEA and Customs and Borders agents make busts of the kind I mentioned on and near the U.S.-Mexican border with some regularity. I think the stuff in Traffic surprised some audience members because they didn't know about the technology used by Mexican and other cartels.

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 8:43 pm
by RealFact#9
I don't think it was that bad. I lost my virginity when I was 13. The age wasn't as bad, but 13 year olds are exactly that innocent. And boy would I have loved to have done it with someone who looked like Motoko.

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 9:56 pm
by brillo_pad
I don't think she intended to sleep with the kid, and even if he had agreed to (I don't think it's even possible), from the awkwardness of the situation, he would have been forced to the same conclusion, he isn't ready for sex. It was a theme for the show, she was trying to show the kid he wasn't ready to deal with the adult world. She has a pretty direct way of going about it, but that is her style. But like she said, the kid has more spunk than she thought.

Ak, who knows... maybe she was looking for a little fun.

As for her lack of modesty, I think that is related to her internal struggle of loosing her humanity. Remeber in the origonal movie where after walking around naked, Bato always covers her up, and does the same when she takes control of a doll in innocence, its a common theme. She porbably was doing her normal thing and didn't think about it. (I realize the shows and movies are not supposed to be related, but sometimes the themes seem to carry over.. in my opinion anyway.)

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 2:36 am
by Maltese Kentaiba
It depends on which dub it's in doesn't it? Sometime's it's hard to tell what age someone is in an english dub anime especially if they used a voice like that. My guess when i first saw he was at the most sixteen and maybe fifteen depending. Simple judging on the way he was drawn but 13 is pretty possible. In any case, I believe the voice is more childish than the character is drawn out to be. Anyone heard it in Japanese dub?

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 4:17 am
by Lightice
RealFact#9 wrote:
Anyone heard it in Japanese dub?

I have. His voice is rather ambigious, really, but I would interpret it as teenager's voice, rather than child's. I'm all but certain, though, that the voice-actor was female, though and the same who acted Kana in Haibane Renmei. Not that that would help, if you haven't seen it. In any case, much older male characters have had girlier voices, in anime.

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 10:51 am
by Elmo
voice sounds a bit older on the Japanese dub.

Still mildly disturbing though, even though i seriously doubt it was meant as more than a joke furthering their sympathetic relationship combined with a bit of harmless fanservice. :)

...also Major's funbags free as nature intended them = HAWT! :P

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 10:55 pm
by Tonks_kittygoth
Funbags? :shock: :? :roll:

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 3:20 am
by Elmo
have i successfully lowered the tone yet?

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 4:05 am
by Tonks_kittygoth
Put your hand out.
Turn it over (palm down)


*shakes head,... mutters "funbags.." walks out of room*

(I like your litte Batou, thats what I was thinking of for emoticons in that post, one of everyone, and so on.)


Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 2:45 am
by Nicholo
I mean, its bad enough, and kinda silly to walk around in her undies all day with "the boys"
I get the distinct impression that the Major deliberately uses her (prosthetic) body as another weapon to distract, manipulate and disarm. Thus her standard mode of dress.

There's an episode in season 1 that I think illustrates her mindset, where early on the Major gets covered in garbage water, so she has to temporarily change into the most readily available clothing. That outfit turns out to be a much more 'seductive' outfit than her normal outfits, which though equally revealing, have a more blatantly in-your-face impersonal quality to them.

The Major is notably uncomfortable with the more 'seductive' outfit and the emotional connotation it suggests. She exposes her body normally in a purely impersonal manner, almost as a weapon, and is uncomfortable doing so in a manner that even suggests emotional involvement on her part.

I think there was also an episode in Season 2 where the major has to 'sleep' with a government minister in order to gain intelligence - except she doesn't actually sleep with him. The Major's totally comfortable stripping down for him and getting into 'bed', but she then knocks him out before they get intimate, and she expresses disgust at the idea of actually having physical contact with him.

Once again, she has no problem flashing her body to distract, but doesn't want to do anything that gets too close and personal.

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 3:23 am
by Tonks_kittygoth
She looks silly in her wonderwoman suit, sorry to play fashion police, but it's silly and unrealistically unprofessional when viewed in the world that is set up in the show.

There are a bunch of other topics on her hoochie outfit vs her other outfits though. Check them out.


Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 6:16 pm
by secondhandevil
Nicholo wrote:
I think there was also an episode in Season 2 where the major has to 'sleep' with a government minister in order to gain intelligence - except she doesn't actually sleep with him. The Major's totally comfortable stripping down for him and getting into 'bed', but she then knocks him out before they get intimate, and she expresses disgust at the idea of actually having physical contact with him.

I'm not (yet) as deep into GITS as some people but I sorta figured from what I saw of the series that the Major was a lesbian. (Shes seen in sorta compromising situations with other women and I Thought she had a conversation with Bato at the end of Barrage about why she didnt just switch to a male prosthetic body (?))

Of course she could be bi,but maybe she was just disgusted by the concept of having sex with a man.

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 8:20 pm
by CanisD
I think you're refering to Cash Eye. In that case, the person in question was pretty disgusting, regardless of what gender one prefers...

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 8:53 am
by sonic
The original manga version has a slightly ugly boyfriend, too.

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 9:00 am
by Elmo
Really? personally I though he was one of the least pugly characters in the manga and there were some reall munters by comparison... :lol: