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Post by Rien »

I'm Rien which means "nothing" in the sense that I'm nothing but me. I don't fit neatly into any one label and gave up trying a long time ago after nearly driving myself crazy over it. One thing is for sure: 90% of my interests and values are outside of the mainstream and I'm looking to chat with people who might have the same interests as me. The area I live in is so smothering; everyone wants to stay in a box and are too afraid to step out of it. I finally got that courage and never looked back.

I'm a black 22 year old woman who has a degree in Computer Networking and getting ready for my second degree in Graphic Design. I'm mainly into reading, drawing, writing, photography, computers, anime/manga, comics, video games, and a lot of goth/geek/emo/indie/cyberpunk stuff(fashion, art, music etc.).

I should also mention that I'm agnostic and a vegetarian since I tend to get a lot of crap about that. I actually get crap about a lot of stuff being black and alternative, but I stopped caring about things like that a long time ago though I will still defend my interests when questioned about them. It's human nature after all.

I have history of never staying long on a forum because I'm never "harcore enough", they tend to have a lack of depth, and/or it's dying by the time I finally get around to joining. I lurked a bit before joining here and I can see you want this forum to stay alive so I'll try to see if I can contribute anything. I also saw the actual depth here that I found myself craving on other forums; I tend to stick out like a sore thumb because I use actual grammer and I tend to post long comments(which some places can't handle obviously. I'm often told I'm too serious both in and out of cyber world).

I found this site accidentally while looking for Ghost in the Shell stuff after watching the series again for old times sake. I'm not hardcore like some of you here, but I'm definitely a fan. I got into GitS through SAC, but I prefer the movies(which I haven't seen in forever so I extremely rusty on the details) and I still haven't read the manga. I also plan to get the video game one day. Ghost in the Shell has a special place in my heart for partially getting me interested into computers and technology in general.
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Post by Freitag »

Welcome! Perhaps a forum about a story that includes a search for identity is a perfect home for ya? And things can move here fast or slow depending on a lot of factors so don't worry about not being hardcore enough ;)
People tend to look at you a little strangely when they know you stuff voodoo dolls full of Ex-Lax.
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Post by Rien »

A forum like that sounds too good to be true :lol: Ironcially, my interest in Ghost in the Shell was superficial in the beginning(in my defense, I was 15 with self esteem issues). I was drawn the the visuals, never really understanding the story becasuse of my immaturity back then(before GitS, I had only seen the edited stuff on Toonami so it was too intense for me so I put more effort into being a fan of shows like Inuyasha back when they were both new on Adult Swim. I'm so ashamed).

Now than I'm older and way more mature, I now appreciate Ghost in the Shell(to the point that I see traits of myself in Motoko now. I wasn't able to when I was younger) and I'm now a fan of series in general that forces the viewer to think, to question certain aspects of life and decide what for one's self of what to believe, or an out right mind screw(Neon Genesis Evangelion, Paranoia Agent, Serial Experiments Lain etc.)

Honestly, I've always been the type of person to have deeper view on the world and questioned certain things, but I hadn't had anything to challenge me until GitS gave a gateway. With universtiy starting next month, I can finally take a philosophy class(I've read the stuff in the philosophy section and I feel so lost). I know this a long post, but it's nice to talk about things like this. I'm so used to having to dumb myself down for everyone around except for my cousin who is also a GitS fan and has taken a philosophy class(lucky him). We have a lot in common and tend to think on the same page about a lot of stuff, but we have our differences as well; he's more logical while I'm more emotional(though compared to other people, I'm very detached about a lot of things.)

The live action movie might bring in more members even though it will probably be for the wrong reasons(the action and sex appeal of Motoko instead the philosophy behind it. I can see it being The Matrix all over again for today's generation.)
Non conformity is an illusion for the ego.
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