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Episode 13 - Other People's Secrets / Sabotauge

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 12:53 am
by Slipstream

Sharron still recuperates in the medical bay. Kobotai introduces everyone to Haman Kokozuko, the inspector overseeing Section 10. The group is still overseeing the investigation when Kokozuko walks in and interrupts them. It’s been a week since Mark 13 was broken. A new security system has been installed with Defense robots patrolling at night and reinforced security in all systems including the Operators. Kokozuko is here not only to verify everything is functioning with the new parts, but inspect the facility as well. They are reaching budget time and when the numbers get finalized, Section 10 may be deemed unnecessary. Sharron is listening in from Medical.

The remnants of the cyberbrains of the terrorists indicated implanted memories making them believe they are Mark 13. Kokozuko watches silently until a debriefing screen shorts out and fries. Kokozuko smirks then stands up and leaves.


An electronic conduit.
“One wrong connection. THREE. FOUR!”
Two redcoats are working in the bowels of the building/
“Didn’t they teach you anything in College?”
“Honestly, sir, I never touched it!” The female amateur is Patton, the Engineering chief is Hooper.
“Its your section, you’re responsible! I can’t do every damn thing!”
“Really, sir, I’d be happy to do it myself.”
“Yeah sure, then something else goes wrong and I get another call from central and get another rollicking. Look at these connections, just look at them! Hand me a wire stripper.”
She hands him the wrong tool.
“A stripper, I said a wire stripper.”
“Mr. Hooper, I find you very difficult to work with.”
“Well then go one, get lost, I didn’t ask for you. I’m only trying to help.
“Well, I don’t need it. Go on, beat it. You’re fired.”
“You can’t fire me!”
“I can do anything I want…Now get out of here!”
“All right, all right, I will.”
She storms out.
Gregori is asked to meet Kobotai.
When he enters, he stumbles in on a conversation between Patton and Kobotai
“Try it…Try it for another week. If you don’t like it. We will you transfer you somewhere else. I will personally give you a reference.”
“Thank you.” And she walks out.

Kobotai adds that he is not comfortable with the inspector here while a new security system is being installed. The screen frying was an especially embarrassing moment. There is another issue, however. The Minister of Internal Affairs has instructed Section 10 to welcome a visitor.

A Psychiatrist, a Dr Angela Parre, is writing an internal paper on Work stress in Public Security. She is coming to do some interviews. Kobotai thinks this is a good idea. If his team and Section 10 volunteer, the other Public Sections may not object. The findings will, of course, be confidential.

By the way, Kokozuko loves Poker and they need another player. Kobotai asks Gregori to get someone else to fill the group.

Gregori can inform the rest and get who he wants to sucker into Poker.
The table is electronic and they play Texas Hold’em.
Kokozuko observes there is a slight wobble in the Table.
Kobotai adds it’s always been like that.
During the game, someone brings up the Psychiatrist. Kokozuko frowns at that.
“Is anyone going crazy?”
During the Game, at the worst moment, the table fries and smokes rises.
Kobotai adds, “…it’s not normally like this.”
“So you keep say. The purpose of these unscheduled visits is to determine what it is normally like.” Kokozuko begins to walk out.
“Well everybody has been under a lot of pressure lately.”
“We all have to work hard. Maybe you should concentrate on discipline and less on amateur Psychiatry. I’m leaving Thursday. I advise you get everything sorted by then.”
To Hooper, sitting on a ladder rung in a duct.
“That’s what’s wrong…hand me a rivet driver.”
Patton hands him a screwdriver. Hooper snaps. He walks down and purposely bumps her.
“Don’t push me! I will not stand for this!”
“Neither will I. This is a screwdriver! This is rivet driver…for driving bloody rivets!”
He fires a rivet by her head and walks by her.
“You’ve got problems, Hooper! And you’re going to have a whole lot more!” She storms out and reports him to the nearest character. She says she quits and will be gone by the end of the week.
They can talk to Hooper. He’s brutally honest.
“The girl’s half wit. She shouldn’t be here.”
“Well, she resigned.”
“Hah…I should resign. I’ll give you all something to think about! I suggest you observe who keeps this place running. It wasn’t until that screen blew that anyone knew that I existed. Do you know when my last relief lest? 2 bloody months ago. 24 hours a day for 8 bloody weeks.”
“Fine…we’ll get you some help.”
“It would help if your lot figured out who was trying to wreck this place.”

Kobotai says Hooper cannot be replaced. It would take long. He is working double shifts and they are still having problems. Kobotai is now starting to have second thoughts about the doctor. Kokozuko doesn’t think it’s a good idea. However its too late…she’s here.
That night, one of the new defense robots attacks a character.
The next morning. Hooper is working on the Poker table.
“Job 943 Finished. All systems working. What’s next?
The PDA talks back, “There was a malfunction to the FOF identification system on a Patrol Robot 34Alpha.
“So there was…” He walks away.
Parre can interview several members of Section 10. When asked about Hooper, her response is, “He could need anti-depressants, he could need a kick in the pants, or he could just need pay raise.”

Ben gets sprayed with coffee at a vending machine.

Anyone investigating the malfunctions find a remote breaker installed that’s rigged to voice activation. There are no prints and no evidence to point anyone else.
“A drink machine. I suppose we should be grateful it wasn’t something major.”
“It might have been, Kobotai. It might well have been. Too many things are going wrong here. I’ve got a bad feeling about this place. The staff feels very tense. Tense people make mistakes.
The next day, Hooper is missing. No one can find him.
Parre is very direct and doesn’t analyze people very well.
Somewhere else…someone opens a panel and pulls a few jumpers. A heavy hammer falls.
Eventually, they find Hooper.
“Someone’s nicked my toolbox. That Patton woman hasn’t left yet, has she?”
Elsewhere, in the conduit, Kokozuko reaches for the hammer; it drops and knocks off a valve on a tank. The hose sprays super coolant on the other pipes.
Eventually, this ruptures and blows up. Level 25 detonates. Glass rains down below. The barricades all drop. Levels above and below are filled with gas to stop the fires that start up.

The power goes out.

The droids go on security alert. Unfortunately, they still have problems with their FOF identifications and have problems between friend or foe. Section 10 manages to rescue people from the building. They find Kokozuko unconscious by the panel. The evidence is obvious. Doing a brain dive indicates he’s not a terrorist. He’s simply insane. He lost his wife two months ago.

“You know, they say…loneliness can send you mad. But you know what really drives you into madness. I’ll tell you…boredom. You forget how much stimulation you get with someone you live or with the career you’re in. We used to spend a lot of time in Garden. Hanna pruned everything. But I liked it wild. I liked the feeling of things getting out of hand.”