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Episode 12 -- Seeds of Destruction / Mark 13

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 10:52 pm
by Slipstream

The middle of the night. A few lights remain on in Section 10 headquarters. Sharron, Vincent and Ben sleep. Gregori remains tied to his TID.

The Dive room, conference room, and lounge area are all empty.

Outside, a long, featureless bus drives up. Inside, a soldier in full combat gear steps from a passenger seat.

“Hook up the hardline.” Prepare to move out. The door opens and two soldier step out. One runs to an electrician panel near Section 10’s gate while another runs a long cable from the truck to a payphone across the street. After the cables is wired into the phone line, the back opens up and dozens of armed mercenaries storm out, towards Section 10.


40 armed soldiers gain access to Section 10’s lower levels. With the help of hackers stationed in the bus, they have overridden Section 10’s security and applied a mask array over the Bus. The bus also contains a jamming barrier, shell-type. This allows cyberbrain communication while inside the shell but prevents communication outside. The group also severs all hardlines except the one they maintain from the vehicle.

This is what remains of Mark 13. 10 cell commanders operate 9 ghostless cyborg commandos each controlled by a Golem program embedded in their cyberbrain. Kobotai has left for the day. All that remains are android operators in sleep mode and android janitors that are harmless. The bottom 20 floors are office levels as Section 10 uses a security company as a front. Those levels are totally empty. Mark 13 has three objectives. The first is to eliminate all the members of Section 10. Another is to tap into their secured server and gain the location of the nuke’s holding area. The nuke was placed in a secured facility for the time being before the Japanese government can decide how to make a case with the UN. The final one is a lure to bring out Manji. They don’t know who Section 10’s contact is but they believe it to be an inside job. Mark 13s wants to know who that is.

The first incident occurs with Ben as he goes to get a midnight snack. He’s on his second full pie when he notices armed soldiers approaching. He hides in the kitchen and as they approach he stabs one with a metal serving spatula and grabs his weapon. A small firefight, and a few grenades later, Ben escapes through the wall and makes it to his room. A few more grenades are tossed in. Ben has his weapons but is trapped. He grabs a refrigerator door (yes he has one in his room—emergency pie storage) and is blown into Sharron’s room. Sharron is not here. He went to a movie with Vincent. Ben plows through the wall, back into the hallway and kills two soldiers. He gets into hand to hand with a lieutenant and snaps his neck. Ben proceeds to higher levels. He also immediately goes into Autistic.

Gregori is in the dive room when Manji hacks in to warn him. He escapes and works around to try to access the main computer. There is a rival hacker out there, which has secured the whole facility. Sharron and Vincent arrive early and notice soldiers entering the parking garage. Cornered on the wrong side, they manage to kill two terrorists before Vincent is taken down by gunfire. A grenade blows up Greg’s bike. Sharron grabs a bike fork and hurls it to one opponent, dropping his armed grenade. The explosion causes so much ruckus, Sharron is able to escape to the stairwell.

Gregori gets into the camera system but cannot override anything. The jamming barrier prevents outside communication. He does see Ben approaching from lower levels. Ben manages to make it to the armory and loads up on heavy weapons. He climbs up to another level. On a level with a conference room, several guards including a lower class Arm Slave ambush Ben. He manages to destroy the slave. However, more armed guards arrive. Ben hacks into one and gets him to pull the pins on his grenades. The explosion rips through the level and Ben climbs up to the computer core, where Greg is. Greg sneaks into the core and attacks the hacker inside the system head on. He fails to back hack but finds a complicated virus that is trying to find the information required.

Greg almost gets his brain fried fighting the virus. He manages to destroy it and discovers Mark 13’s mission. They are using the Golem system to slave about 9 ghostless androids for each live member, to which there are about four. There are ten more soldiers on this level. Manji takes over an operator android but its quickly destroyed. Ben jumps in but numerous injuries prevent him from fighting off all the opponents. Sharron appears and catches the remaining soldiers in crossfire. However, the last Golem system is implanted in a large Class B Cyborg with a Burst limb. Already near death, the cyborg slams Sharron through the floor to a lower level. Ben dives for the cyborg. They fight and Ben throws the last villain from the 45th floor. The boss falls and lands through the bus they arrived in.

Sharron is unconscious and near death. Greg quickly tries to hack into the few corpses of ghost bodies around. He finds fabricated memories of them believing they were Mark 13. Was there ever a Mark 13? Was it a plant? Like Section 10 before, Mark 13 could be a constructed idea, conceived by another. What was of Mark 13 could have been here.